Effect of Subtotal Colectomy on Body Weight and Food Intake in an Experimental Model of Obesity in Male Wistar Rats
Pilar Fernandez-Mateos1, Judith Rios-Lugo2, Pilar Cano-Barquilla2, Vanesa Jimenez-Ortega2, Ana I. Esquifino2, *, Alvaro Larrad3
Article Information
Identifiers and Pagination:
Year: 2012Volume: 4
First Page: 51
Last Page: 54
Publisher Id: TOOBESJ-4-51
DOI: 10.2174/1876823701204010051
Article History:
Received Date: 31/10/2012Revision Received Date: 25/11/2012
Acceptance Date: 01/12/2012
Electronic publication date: 14/12/2012
Collection year: 2012
open-access license: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY 4.0), a copy of which is available at: This license permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
The present work analyses the possible influence of the colon in weight gain of obese animals. Subtotal colectomy was performed in rats fed with standard chow or high-fat diets. The results, suggested that subtotal colectomy did not exert any effect on the % of weight gain in rats administered a high-fat diet during the whole experiment as compared to controls. Animals submitted to a high-fat diet during the pre-surgery period and to a standard diet during the post-surgery period gained a lesser % of weight gain as compared to control or high-fat fed rats, together with a decrease in this parameter in colectomized animals. These changes did not agree with average food intake in rats fed with standard or high-fat diets. Surprisingly, the increase in body weight of sham-operated or subtotal colectomized rats fed with highfat diet cannot be explained by a diminished food intake when compared to controls. Moreover, the change in food intake after surgery showed a correlation with body weight in sham-operated animals, although this correlation disappeared in colectomized rats. Mortality only appeared in colectomized rats administered a high-fat diet. However, stool was normalized and presented normal characteristics when animals returned to be fed with their respective diet after surgery. The results of this study support the concept that the maintenance of a high fat diet may originate a decrease of the intake, overall in subtotal colectomized rats, possibly through neuroendocrine mechanisms related to gut hormones or to adaptive mechanism along the gastrointestinal tract.